Our Story

The idea for BrewStand was born when two CU engineering students, Dastan Akunzhanov and Bilim Sydykov, sought a solution to their late-night studying problems: There were never any coffee shops open during their all-nighter study sessions. Even during the day, the high prices of hot drinks at traditional coffee shops were out of their budgets. When had coffee gotten so expensive?

Understanding student’s need for reasonably-priced, always-accessible coffee, the Dastan and Bilim worked to launch their first coffee station in February of 2023 – Canvas Coffee, originally named after the learning software the university uses.

BrewStand has now grown to include four stations across the CU campus. Our mission has always been simple: Freshly ground coffee, anytime, for less. With our 24/7 accessible stands and our promise to provide better taste, better prices, and better hours, Brewstand is made by students, for students!

BrewStand is still owned and managed by Dastan Akunzhanov, with partner Lauren Brown managing social media and operations. Together, we’re a small but passionate team committed to serving you the best coffee at CU!

Our founders posing beside the first station: North Wing!
Our current team (Dastan and Lauren)!